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Children are our most precious resource. We trust that they will grow up strong, healthy, and happy and face each day with joy and enthusiasm. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Serious health conditions can – and do – have a life-altering impact on children. Arthritis and related conditions affect more than just the physical health of children, and the impact is often dramatic. The Childhood Arthritis & Rheumatology Research Alliance (CARRA) reports that at least 8 out of every 10 children with arthritis will live with pain for the rest of their lives."

Children are our most precious resource. We trust that they will grow up strong, healthy, and happy and face each day with joy and enthusiasm.

Children are our most precious resource. We trust that they will grow up strong, healthy, and happy and face each day with joy and enthusiasm.

We need to make sure that children have all the resources they need to succeed in life: good teachers, good schools, safe neighborhoods where they can play outside safely. And we need to make sure they have access to health care when they get sick or injured so they don’t miss out on school or work just because of an illness or injury.#ENDWRITE

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Serious health conditions can – and do – have a life-altering impact on children.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Serious health conditions can – and do – have a life-altering impact on children. This can include everything from learning disabilities to sensory processing disorder (SPD).

While it may be difficult for parents to accept that their child might have a serious medical condition, it's important for them to know how best to support their child during these times.

Arthritis and related conditions affect more than just the physical health of children, and the impact is often dramatic.

Arthritis and related conditions affect more than just the physical health of children, and the impact is often dramatic. The impact on families is also profound. As a result of arthritis in one or both hands and feet, children may need help with daily tasks such as eating and dressing themselves. They may be unable to run around freely or participate in sports that require running or jumping. Additionally, they may lose access to activities such as playing with friends because they cannot participate in those activities due to their limitations caused by arthritis pain or other symptoms related to it (such as fatigue). Arthritis can also have an impact on school performance if your child misses classes due to pain or other medical conditions related to this condition (including fatigue).

The Childhood Arthritis & Rheumatology Research Alliance (CARRA) reports that at least 8 out of every 10 children with arthritis will live with pain for the rest of their lives.

The Childhood Arthritis & Rheumatology Research Alliance (CARRA) reports that at least 8 out of every 10 children with arthritis will live with pain for the rest of their lives. CARRA works to find a cure for arthritis and other painful conditions by funding research projects, which are conducted by leading researchers in the field.

Children who develop rheumatic diseases have an increased risk of developing asthma later in life as well as other autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis or eczema. The best way to prevent these conditions is through early diagnosis and treatment, so it's important that parents ask their pediatrician about any signs they see on their child's body or behavior changes that could indicate a serious condition

Arthritis also causes absenteeism from school, limits imagination and play, impacts self-esteem and confidence, creates stress in families and causes significant financial burdens for the healthcare system as well as for families.

Arthritis also causes absenteeism from school, limits imagination and play, impacts self-esteem and confidence, creates stress in families and causes significant financial burdens for the healthcare system as well as for families.

Absenteeism from school: Children with arthritis experience more frequent absences than other children because they cannot participate in physical activities or sports with their peers. They may have difficulty climbing stairs or walking long distances on uneven ground due to pain or discomfort. This can lead to lower grades on tests that evaluate physical ability such as running fast or jumping high (eighth grade math test).

Limits imagination and play: Children with chronic diseases such as arthritis often find it difficult to stay active when they are home during the winter months because they don't want any part of sitting still while watching TV all day long! But what if there was something fun going on outside? What if someone could take them outside every day so that they would actually get some exercise?

Children’s health should be our top priority!

This is a message for everyone, but especially for parents. As a parent, you want to do everything you can to keep your children safe and healthy. You want them to grow up in a world where they are happy and secure, with good jobs and opportunities for success.

However, one thing that most parents don't realize is how important their own health is when it comes down their child's well-being—and even more importantly: what kind of impact this could have on their future happiness."


As you can see, children’s health is not just about treating pain. It’s also about preventing disease and making sure that we are doing everything we can to support children with their physical and emotional health. We want our children to grow up strong and healthy, so we should all be advocates for them.

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